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SPiCE 1-2-1 Adaptation and Enhancements
SPiCE 1-2-1 is not enough? No problem. Your specific processes can be modelled and together we can produce a perfect new Quest-Tool, which exactly depicts the needs of your organization. Together with your skilled personnel we will capture the structure of your processes and the result will be a reference model and an assessment tool which enables you to perform assessments efficiently and fast - exactly as you like them.
Assessments conform ISO 15504
Software Process Assessments have been established as a tool for objective validation of positive and negative aspects of the Software-Engineering process for a decade. With CMM V1.0 and BOOTSTRAP V2.3 only a library of criterions and a pattern of validation was available. Now, with the release of CMMI and ISO 15504, techniques and also tools have become much more universally available.
In an assessment both the process requirements and the capability of the performance in an organisation, based on the available results, are analyzed. By means of single person interviews and group interviews, workshops and studies of existing documents (operating instructions and procedures, and the associated operating results) the standard of practice is calculated within a few days.
The basic question within a Software Process Assessment is whether the single links within the chain of goods and services are syntonized and whether the whole chain of processes is competent to provide the required result with a suitable quality without over run of the deadline and costs.
Specially trained assessors facilitare the research of facts, analyse the results and support the identification of measures of improvement. External assessors guarantee objectivity and comparability of the modified validations. ISO 15504 now describes the process capability on a six point scale from zero to five:

The reporting of the results is such that not only software-experts, but also management principals, or any kind of surveillance authority can get a reliable, understandable impression of the engineering-organisation`s skills and abilities. They subsequently can also know where the project, according to the current practice in the sector, is standing (Benchmark).
Software Process Assessments are being utilized for:
- Identification and tracing of measurements of improvement,
- Selection and surveillance of suppliers,
- Portfolio-Management, e.g. for risk-clarification during the proposal phase.
Contact us. We are happy to help you.